Henning Kruger studied law and successfully completed the Foreign Law and Language Program on Common Law at the University of Muenster (Germany),
where he graduated in 2010 with a specialization in European and German Administrative Law.
During his studies he was also (in that order) Director for Human Rights, Vice President for Seminars and Conferences and President of the European Law Students’ Association in Muenster. After completion of his legal traineeship at the District Court of Dortmund (Germany), he worked several years for the Federal Agency for Occupational Safety and health (BAuA) - the German Competent Authority for Chemicals.
At BAuA, he was part of the chemical law division, legally supervising the regulatory activities of the Agency in the field of chemicals. He was also responsible for opposition proceedings concerning the authorisation of biocidal products, as well as for related administrative court cases. As a member of the German REACH-CLP-Biocides Helpdesk he advised companies, national enforcement authorities and consumers on the application and interpretation of the applicable chemical law.
He is a member of the German Laywers’ Association and the Bar Association Hamm. Henning is the author of several specialist articles, regularely lectures on chemical law at seminars and conferences and worked as a consultant to the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs concerning the implementation of Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 (CLP). Since 2015 Henning advises our clients on all matters concerning chemical law, as an expert in contract law and regulatory affairs.